Bathyspheres are an old and unique type of submarine that is a simple metal sphere with a three inch thick window and a 400-pound bolted down hatch for entering and exiting. They were designed to be lowered down into water deep underwater so scientists could better observe deep sea animals in their natural habitat.

This concept for a VR experience is something designed for younger children or even for young adults. When I was younger I used to go on long family car trips for up to 14 hours at a time. As a child I often struggled with how to spend the time if I was not sleeping. With the Oculus Quest 2 becoming more available to the average consumer, this virtual experience is designed to make long road trips more exciting.
Bathyspheres are a very stationary experience with lots of visuals. This experience will be enhanced while on a long car ride because it requires little to no movement and the slight movement of the car will add to the slight movements of being underwater. This experience is very simple, it is mostly just a visual and auditory experience where you can sit down and just view the expansive and amazing world under our oceans. When starting the experience the player will be seated in a bathysphere and lowered down into the depths of the ocean, there they will be able to feel the slight motion of the car in relation to the slight movements of the ocean. They will be able to see different species of animals swimming past and learn more about them by various button presses. Also using various button presses they will be able to interact with their environment such as a headlight on the vessel or moving the bathysphere up and down to view different levels of the ocean.
This experience is designed to be played stationary while sitting down, as such it is greatly improved by the experience of being on a long car ride. A child will have fun exploring the amazing depths of the oceans while also learning new things about the history of deep sea diving and all the species discovered underwater.